Donovan Bergin
Author - Engineer - Artist

Work in Progress
In Her Image
(Working Title)
Flunking a college exam isn’t a death sentence for most people, but Harry’s an AI, the subject of Sarah’s tenuously funded capstone project; faced with a nefarious backdoor in his OS and Sarah’s increasingly distracting lab partner turned love interest, how far will Harry go to ensure his own survival?

You did a fantastic job of portraying a longing for humanity from a robotic perspective and it made my heart break for Harry on multiple occasions. One of the best AI-wants-to-be-human voices I’ve ever read.
Some person who read my book before you
Praise & Reviews
Dude. Wow. I just... words. So good.
New York Times Best Selling Books reader (probably)
As always, I adore the way you broach subjects of humanity and consciousness with just enough to make the reader ponder, but without being too distracting.
Definitely not my mom's review